Giving Asian Elephants

a Fighting Chance

At Super Lucky Elephant, our commitment extends beyond delivering exceptional rice; we are also devoted to conserving Thailand's Asian elephants. This dedication is deeply rooted in the rich history and intrinsic connection these majestic animals share with the very soil where our rice is grown. Their preservation is not just a duty but our passion, driven by our admiration for their profound bond with the people and the land.

Conservation education and initiatives are crucial to protecting this cherished heritage. With your support, we aim to empower communities, safeguard endangered habitats, and preserve the legacy of their extraordinary story.

Their Story

Asian elephants are magnificent creatures.  They are known for their impressive size, high intelligence, and strong social bonds.

These gentle giants are exceptionally smart animals that demonstrate advanced cognitive abilities rivaling those of primates and dolphins. They possess remarkable skills for problem-solving, memory, social connections, communication, and self-awareness.

They form complex bonds and demonstrate strong emotional connections with one another. These deep relationships highlight their emotional and cognitive skills. Their close cooperation is vital for their survival.

Once, Asian elephants traversed a vast expanse of approximately nine million square kilometers, spanning from what is now Iraq to China's Yangtze River and reaching southward to Sumatra.

Today, their habitat has drastically dwindled. They are now confined to merely 5% of their historical range, with extinction looming in the Middle East and most of China.

Presently, their global population stands at a meager 40,000. This number represents a stark decline of over 50% in the past six decades. Disturbingly, estimates suggest that only 1,500 to 3,000 wild elephants remain in Thailand, alongside a similar number in captivity. This is a stark contrast to the over 100,000 individuals that once thrived in the early 20th century.



Each Asian elephant deserves a home, given their close family ties and complex social structures crucial for their well-being.

The pace of human development has devastated elephant populations at an alarming rate across Asia. Asian elephants are even more endangered than their African cousins. That’s because the biggest threat to their survival isn’t poaching but habitat loss. As urbanization, industrial development, and agricultural expansion increase, their habitats are shrinking rapidly, leading to increasingly isolated populations and a rising number of deadly human-elephant conflicts.

Ultimately, their fate depends on our collective actions. With continued conservation efforts and widespread support for elephant preservation, it is possible to prevent their extinction and secure a future for these iconic creatures.

Making A Difference

The Elephant World Project in Surin, Thailand, is a groundbreaking sanctuary dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation, and welfare of elephants. Aiming to transform Surin into a premier elephant sanctuary and ecotourism destination, the project integrates conservation with cultural preservation, reflecting a commitment to enhancing the well-being of both wildlife and the environment.

Super Lucky Elephant is proud to partner with the Elephant World Project in support of this crucial mission. Through our partnership, we strive to protect these incredible animals and raise awareness about the importance of elephant preservation.

Meet Minnie

We are thrilled to introduce Minnie, a beloved 6-year-old Asian elephant from our Super Lucky Elephant family. Born on October 5, 2017, in Mae Hongson Province, Northern Thailand, Minnie was rescued at three and a half years old from a village where her original owner could no longer provide proper care. She now resides at the Elephant World sanctuary in Surin, where her gentle and playful spirit has made her a favorite among staff and visitors. Minnie loves to splash in the water and enjoys treats like bananas, watermelon, jackfruit, and pineapples.

By adopting Minnie, we are helping to provide her with the care, nutrition, and medical attention she needs for a long, healthy life. We are proud to support families like Minnie’s and sanctuaries like Elephant World, which are dedicated to protecting these endangered elephants across Thailand. Join us in celebrating these magnificent creatures and be a part of Minnie’s journey.








6 years

Help save our vulnerable gentle giants

  • Learn

    Learn more about the remarkable journey of Asian elephants. Explore their deep seated roots in Asian history and the integral role they play today in Thailand’s cultural heritage.

  • Participate

    Together, we can provide a brighter future for these remarkable animals. Discover the Elephant World Project, dedicated to elephant preservation, rescue, and rehabilitation. Help support their efforts by learning more about these vital initiatives.

  • Shop

    At Super Lucky Elephant we are committed to more than exceptional rice. Join us in making a meaningful difference with every grain you enjoy. Together, let's nurture nature and ensure a future where elephants thrive.